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Your source for vaccine information and relevant legislation in the state of Iowa



Opposed 2 bills

-First group of ICI (then Iowans for Health Freedom) members lobbied at the state capitol.

-Vaxxed Documentary showings: Des Moines- SOLD OUT, Cedar Rapids- SOLD OUT, Davenport- SOLD OUT



Supported 1 bill, opposed 3

-First large gathering of ICI (then Iowans for Health Freedom) members

-Defeated religious exemption removal bill (HF 261), requiring religious leaders signature on religious exemptions (SF 116) and requiring health and safety visits for those under private instruction (SF 138/HF 268)

-Supported adding a philosophical exemption (HF 7)

-Vaxxed Documentary tour bus visits in Altoona and Davenport to record vaccine injury and vaccine free stories.

-ICI was born at the Altoona Vaxxed meet up. Website and Facebook page were set up.



Opposed 2 bills

-March 29th: First rotunda day with Dr. Lee Merritt and various Iowans who had experienced vaccine injury speaking.

-Defeated requiring health and safety visits for those under private instruction (HF 2293) and allowing pharmacists to administer meningitis vaccines to children over age 6 (HF 2099)

-Sent letters to all 367 of Iowa’s school districts informing and reminding them that Iowa has both religious and medical exemptions.

-Researched and put out election report cards to help Iowans vote for medical freedom



Supported 2 bills, opposed 2

-February 19th: 125+ people showed up in support of a bill that would add a philosophical exemption.

-ICI worked on their first piece of legislation, the Immunization Safety and Right of Refusal Act (SF 238) with Senator Guth.

-Defeated religious exemption removal bill (HF 206)

-Became a 501c4 non-profit

-Vaxxed II Documentary showings: Des Moines- SOLD OUT, Cedar Rapids- a few shy of sold out)

- ICI’s first conference, Empowered to Action with Robert F. Kennedy Jr as the keynote



Supported 9 bills, opposed 3

-June 3rd: Freedom Rally to fight against covid lockdowns and mandates (300 people attended)

-Informed Choice Iowa Freedom Network, the 501c3 non-profit branch of ICI was formed

-2nd annual ICI Informed conference: Battle for our Bodies, despite multiple proclamations from the governor limiting gatherings and mask mandates over 400 people attended shouting ‘FREEDOM!’ at the end of the conference with Del Bigtree.



Supported 11 bills, opposed 3

- January 11th: Freedom Rally 2.0 to fight lockdowns and mask mandates and prevent vaccine mandates we saw coming on the first day of legislative session (300 people attended) 

-Defeated religious exemption removal bill and successfully pushed for the retirement of the legislator who filed it the last 3 legislative sessions.

-Defeated the bill to put all Iowans vaccine records into IRIS. (HF 547)

-IRIS (Iowa Immunization Record Information System) was changed to no longer be accessible by any member of the public and ONLY by healthcare providers.

-Iowa Freedom Violations was created to collect stories of Iowans experiencing discrimination for not wearing a mask or taking the covid vaccine.

-April 26th: Rally to support HF 889 to ban vaccine passports but only with modifications removing the exception for healthcare to discriminate.

-Dozens of protests took place across the state in support of medical professionals whose jobs were at risk for not taking the covid vaccine.

-October 28th: Special session rally to encourage the legislature to help stop the vaccine mandates. Unfortunately the adult exemptions bill HF 902 did not stop people from getting fired and invites workplaces to mandate more vaccines. Our opposition and issues raised with this bill led to ICI being asked to help with a medical privacy study bill for the 2022 session. (500 people attended)

-3rd annual ICI Informed conference: STAND with record breaking attendance



Supported 17 bills, opposed 1, watched 6

-January 10th: Freedom Rally 3.0 on the first day of session with a couple hundred people in attendance to show legislators Iowans have a rightful place in the policy-making process, a rightful desire to have the emergency powers laws amended, and banning medical mandates to best protect individual liberties.

-February 10th: Subcommittee for the Medical Privacy and Freedom Act (HSB 647) Testimony continued for 3 hours, and once it was shut down at the capitol, continued on at a local establishment. Collected roughly 450 public comments in support online too.

-Supported the passage of the bill banning the covid vaccine from being required for childcare and school in Iowa until 2029 (HF 2298)

-Supported the passage of the bill requiring written consent from parents for medical screenings, including vaccines, in school. (HF 2080)

-First batch of election report cards with Stand for Health Freedom, 17 favorable candidates won.

-4th Annual ICI Conference: Hold Strong



Supported 26 bills, opposed 2, watched 16

-Defeated the bill to put all Iowans vaccine records into IRIS. (HSB 178)

-Defeated a bill that would amend the disciplinary code for pharmacists that would have given more power to the Federal government to define violations. (HF 555)

-Defeated allowing podiatrists to give vaccines (HSB 51)

-First Iowa legislators signed the Medical Liberty Pledge: Representative Jeff Shipley, Representative Luana Stoltenberg and Senator Sandy Salmon

-5th Annual ICI Conference: Did You Know?


Legislators ICI and SHF have acknowledged as Medical Freedom supporters on report cards who won their elections:



District 3: Jim Carlin (2017-2021)

District 7: Kevin Alons

District 13: Cherielynn Westrich

District 28: Dennis Guth

District 29: Sandy Salmon



District 5: Zachary Dieken

District 9: Henry Stone

District 21: Brooke Boden

District 38: Jon Dunwell

District 40: Bill Gustoff

District 43: Eddie Andrews

District 58: Charley Thomson

District 64: Anne Osmundson

District 67: Craig Johnson

District 81: Luana Stoltenberg

District 83: Cindy Golding

District 87: Jeff Shipley

District 88: Helena Hayes

District 91: Brad Sherman

District 96: Mark Cisneros



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We are pro-science, pro-informed consent, pro-parental rights, pro-medical freedom and our members are “ex-vaxxers”, “selective vaxxers”, “non-vaxxers”, and “vaxxers” who are passionate about preserving individual choice. We believe government should not mandate what is put

into your body or the bodies

of your children.


Vaccine safety is paramount to our members. We identify and will speak out when vaccine safety is found to be lacking or inadequate.



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Informed Choice Iowa became a 501(c)(4) in 2017 allowing us to work more closely with legislators.  In January 2021, we became a 501(c)(3) with the start of Informed Choice Iowa Freedom Network allowing us the ability to accept tax-deductible donations.


To donate to ICI you may mail a check to :

PO Box 961
Grimes, Iowa 50111

Make checks payable to :

Informed Choice Iowa Freedom Network

Or click the link below to donate online:


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Informed Choice Iowa Freedom Network, a 501(c)(3) and Informed Choice Iowa, a 501(c)(4) are non-profit, true grassroots organizations consisting of Iowa citizens. We advocate for vaccine safety and informed consent, while strongly opposing all mandates. 

An Iowa with total medical freedom and informed consent. Mandates and coercion have no place in the private or public sector.


MISSION: Educational

Our mission is to provide comprehensively researched and cited information to both citizens and elected officials. We aim to empower Iowans in making informed medical decisions while advocating for policies that ensure every person retains the right to their own medical decision-making.


The information provided on this website is for informational/educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical or legal advice. Always consult a medical and/or legal professional for advice about what is right for you and your family.

Information found on this page and other pages of this website are for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Please consult a trusted medical professional to determine what is right for you and your family.

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