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Fauci Emails

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

When the "leaders" get to decide & ONLY the leaders get to decide.... The Great Barrington Declaration, signed by thousands of professionals & experts, proposed to focus on protecting the most vulnerable from Covid while allowing those at no to minimal risk to live normal & develop natural immunity in order to minimize collateral damage of 1 size fits all Covid precautions.

Essentially, a blanket approach to masks, lockdowns, quarantines, vaccines, etc. isn't in the best interest for everyone.

The head of the National Institute of Health, Francis Collins, along with Tony Fauci deliberately orchestrated an attack on the Great Barrington Declaration proposal without an open discussion with the experts who proposed it.

How is it that 2 men (Francis & Tony) get to call the shots & have all the answers over the thousands of other professionals & experts who disagree?

Two of the Great Barrington Declaration authors:

Jayanta "Jay" Bhattacharya is a professor of medicine at Stanford University

Martin Kulldorff is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School

Are they not educated enough to bring possible solutions & strategies to the table?

What has a blanket approach to Covid precautions lead to?

Children falling behind in school Set backs in speech More reliance on technology Increasing rates of obesity Increasing rates of suicide Decline in mental health with more depression & anxiety pills prescribed Loss of income Loss of housing Increased reliance on government assistance Loss of health insurance Increased rates of overdose Increased rates of alcoholism Etc.

What might have been different if there was an open discussion on reducing risk to the vulnerable instead of slander?

Today we see the results of putting all eggs into 1 basket.

We were told the vaccines were the answer & the only answer as we all lost our jobs & huddled up (masked) in our basements full of fear while Grandma & Grandpa were isolated in their nursing home rooms alone for months. Now what? That basket is empty & there are many deaths of despair that won't likely ever be attributed to Covid, but were due to the Covid pandemic handling with a 1 size fits all approach.

So on top of the direct Covid deaths, we now have a multitude of deaths of despair plus a multitude of long term repercussions.

What might have been different if WE THE PEOPLE were able to hear ALL sides and ALL professionals? Would we have pushed back in larger numbers & had vastly different outcomes?

We will never know, because TWO men in this world decided it wasn't what they wanted & shut down all discussion.

We hope to see you on Monday January 10th for opening legislative session day to make ourselves HEARD! WE THE PEOPLE of Iowa are not dealing with these elite men & their decisions anymore! We want discussion & REAL protections!

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