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Have you been denied medical care, faced discrimination, invasion of privacy, or job loss over your

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

IF you lose your job or are asked to give a reason for not masking/testing/vaccinating, do NOT respond without contacting an attorney first. Doing so can harm your future litigation case if that becomes necessary.

To Report a violation, find legal counsel, or download legal notices go to:

All reports are automatically forwarded to Representative Steven Holt, Senator Jake Chapman, Representative Jon Jacobsen, and the Governor’s Legislative Liaison.

Have you been injured by a vaccine?

You can file a report and may qualify to apply for compensation.

Where do I file my injury report?

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

Do I qualify to apply for compensation?

Yes, if the injection that caused the reaction falls within the past 3 years.

Where do I apply? how-to-file/index.html

What qualifies as a reportable injury?

Eczema, Shoulder Injury, Chronic Ear Infections, ADHD, Allergies, Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Encephalitis, Diabetes, Auto-immune Disease, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, etc.

Are you seeing “No Shot, No School” in back-to-school correspondence from your district?

“No shot, No school” is misleading and doesn’t accurately reflect Iowa law. This is not an Iowa Department of Public Health campaign. If you see any misleading information from the IDPH, let ICI and the IDPH Director know. If a county health department is promoting it, advise them to correct it. If they don’t, let the county board of supervisors know by emailing them immediately or report it at their next meeting. If a school district is misinforming parents by making claims that a child “must” receive “xyz” vaccines before school or they won’t be allowed to attend school, participate in sports, etc. and they fail to mention exemptions that are accepted under Iowa law, then immediately email the school the exemption code Tell them they are disseminating misinformation and they need to correct this to accurately reflect Iowa law.

If they don’t, report this to IAFREEDOMVIOLATIONS.COM.

It’s going to take us all fighting back!

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