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Medical Freedom is Essential

Can you imagine if you were forced to take chemo because there was a 0.2% chance you'd die of cancer or have long term effects from it? How rich would pharma be then?

When you look into buying a product be it something as simple as choosing a restaurant to buying a new washer and dryer to buying a new car -- most people look at the reviews from other's experiences before making a decision.

Can you imagine only having the option to listen to the company selling the product & being told all of the reviews don't matter? How much would you trust that company, (especially if their product was liability free)?

How are these vaccine and those speaking of their side effects any different? Sure people are going to have their reviews of Covid itself, but the reviews always go both ways & those with negative reviews of the vaccine also matter! This makes it imperative that people are able to choose if a pharmaceutical product that can and is causing harm is best for them and theirs.

What is the difference between chemotherapy and the vaccine? Chemo is given to sick people who know the risks of their cancer being left untreated and the risks of being treated with chemo. The vaccines are given to healthy people [including those with natural immunity] in these blanket mandates "to protect others" with no regard for the potential death or debilitating side effects that may arise for healthy individuals.

Medical freedom is essential today, tomorrow, and 30 years from now for our children!

If you want to know what you can do, please check out the following links:

Rally at the Capitol on October 5 to urge our State legislators to protect our civil rights in Iowa. PLEASE COME & SHOW UP!

Tomorrow-- Iowa Civil Rights Commision meeting! Please share your stories so they know the discrimination is happening in our state!

If you can't attend anything in person, please send an email! We NEED to be proactive and heard! Get loud & share your personal experiences!

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