This is the week for the second funnel. Unfortunately, the Medical Privacy and Freedom Act was never brought forward to be debated as a stand-alone bill. Instead, it was changed, which we had the opportunity to weigh in on to ensure it was better than what they originally drafted as the amendment, and then it was added to a trucker tort reform bill. Yesterday, this bill combination failed to receive the votes needed in order to be considered as proposed since the two subjects were not germane to the bill to which they were being attached.
What this means is that the bill, as it was originally written, and the amended language that was attached to tort reform, did not survive funnel week in either of those forms.
Unfortunately, despite this issue affecting all Iowans, the stand-alone Medical Privacy and Freedom Act will not receive a public debate in either chamber.
We know this issue is still a top issue for Iowans. We know polls are reflecting what we already know; Iowans and Americans across the nation want to see the federal government and the infringement on privacy/medical rights reigned in after this dramatic breach of rights during the pandemic.
We also know it is a high priority for some in the statehouse and that many of our legislators really do want to see this be accomplished yet this year. Many others couldn’t care less. However, these legislators do have to face the consequences of their decisions during this session at the ballot box in June and/or November.
IOWANS: DO NOT BACK DOWN! Please keep making your voices heard by continuing to tell the legislators and the Governor’s office your past and on-going experiences. Tell them they need to pass anti-discrimination language as well as privacy protection to restore the rights of Iowans NOW!
Continue to EMAIL them with repeated follow-up emails. If you have emailed, CALL them! If you have called them, GO to their legislative forums or campaign events or COME to the capitol and talk to them!
We are not done and recently have rallied around the words a wise legislator once told us, “Nothing is done until ‘Sine Die’, which is the official adjournment from session.”