County Conventions Begin This Weekend! If you are a delegate at your county convention (elected at your caucus), ensure your county has a medical freedom plank in it’s platform! Consult your county's rules for submitting a plank at the convention.
We had over 2 dozen counties accept this medical freedom plank on caucus night, let's ensure every county in Iowa stands up for our rights to bodily autonomy and continues to support this plank staying in the platform at the District and State Levels!
“We strongly believe the right for an individual or parent to decline a vaccination or any other medical treatment for themselves or their children as an inalienable right. We oppose medical treatment requirements and mandates and believe medical decisions should remain private between an individual and their doctor.”
*If you weren’t selected as a delegate at caucus but want to participate, contact the county chair for your party and ask if there are any spots still available!
